Latest Hello Pal version 1.2.1000, New Phrasebooks, Server Problems (and apology!)

Jerrold Blog & App Updates 0 Comments

Hello, Pals!

In this newsletter:

  • Latest version launched – v.1.2
  • Server problems
  • Phrasebooks ‘Popular’ Category

Latest Version Launched – v.1.2

We’ve just launched a major new version of Hello Pal – 1.2.1000. We have made major improvements in the underlying platform which will have a significant impact in the following ways:

  • Message deliverability
  • Notifications
  • Overall speed of the app

These effects will be more obvious once everyone has migrated from version 1.1 to 1.2. As such, this will be a MANDATORY UPGRADE for all users. In a few days’ time, older versions of the app (1.1 and 1.0) will not be compatible with our servers anymore, and you will be reminded to upgrade to 1.2. So we hope you will take a brief moment to upgrade:




Other changes include:

  • Phrasebook phrases can be sent as text
  • Search Pal changes – easier access to search filter, filter choices and search results are saved
  • About Me in profile – 140 characters now instead of 30.
  • Email Notifications for missed messages – can turn off from Settings
  • New “Account Management” section under Settings – can change email and change password
  • Orange check mark (signifying message delivered) changed to blue color

Server Problems

Over the couple of days towards the end of last week, you might have experienced connection problems when using the app, such as being suddenly logged out, unable to connect, unable to register, phrasebook not loading, etc.

Firstly, please accept our utmost apologies for that!

We had a very large and sudden spike in traffic last Wednesday, and we found that our servers were unable to cope with the traffic, thereby causing those problems. We’ve been working hard to optimize our server code and increase server capacity, and we think (hope!) that it’s now been brought under control. We will be continuing to improve and optimize our servers, but it’s possible that you may experience periodic connection issues again in the near future. If that happens again, please know that we’ll be working hard to restore service to normal as soon as possible.

Phrasebooks Popular Category

All Topics Phrasebooks now have an added Category, called “Popular”. It contains phrases from the other Categories, which are commonly used. For most basic chats, you will probably find that this is the only Category you will need, saving you from having to hunt for phrases in the other Categories.


Happy chatting!

The Hello Pal Team

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